Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday afternoon daddy/daughter time (shooting stuff)

In this video, Adelle is first shooting her Remington single shot 22 at a small steel plate.  Later she is shooting an old cooking pot- rapid yet accurate fire.  Notice the rifle is out of ammo and when the rifle goes "click" she does not flinch at all, and the barrel does not move.  I'm very happy with her technique at such a young age.  At the end of the video we placed a small exploding target (1 pound, legally sold at nearly every gun shop, around the size of a soda can) on the pot and made it disappear.  We're near the Oregon Coast, about 15 minutes from Philomath.

It's amazing how much girls can love shooting when introduced at an early age as a normal family activity.  It has turned out to be an awesome father-daughter bonding activity.  My oldest is now 10, and I started her shooting with a BB gun when she was 5.  The good ol' Red Ryder lever action.  She now is very good at shooting her own single-shot .22 with iron sights, as well as my scoped semi-auto 10/22, and even my AR-15.  It's a light rifle with an adjustable stock so it can fit a small shooter.  Recoil is almost non-existent too.

When shooting, I have Adelle practice three main positions: standing, sitting, and prone.  We then modify them to use available trees, backpacks, or other objects for support.  Very little time is spent using a bipod, and never ever do we shoot from a bench.  We usually shoot standing at 25-50 yards, sitting at 50-100, and prone at 100-200.  I'll get more into the specifics of what we do in later videos...

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